

Scan a person walking around it with DigiME device while following the instructions in the app. Preview the raw scan, press OK for pre-processing, and get a high-quality 3D model, body measurements, body composition results, health scores, and more in seconds.



A. Body Measurements

DigiME has the world’s easiest and most accurate body measurement tool compliant with academic methods.

B. Body Composition & Health Scores

DigiME provides Body Composition in a non-invasive experience.

DigiME provides health scores and calculations such as waist Hip Ratio, Waist Height ratio, Metabolic Age, Visceral Fat Score, Basal Metabolic Rate, Body Mass Index, and Ideal Weight to determine whether clients are healthy or at risk.

C. Body Posture Analysis

DigiME is the only markerless 3D posture analysis system that analyzes all axes (frontal, sagittal, and transverse) planes. No longer practitioners and trainers need to rely on estimates to assess posture. DigiME provides a clear view of body posture and shows all data in a single-page report.

Track & Motivate

Track & Motivate

Visualize changes side-by-side comparison and analyze all historical data with charts and graphs. Make progress visible and understandable for your clients. Motivate them to achieve their goals. Mobile applications of DigiME allow clients access to 3D views and reports.